Sunday, October 27, 2013

I Really Could Care Less About Susan, Lynette, Bree and Gabby

Me, interested in Desperate Housewives? Ha! Can you imagine?  Ridiculous! My wife watches it, and I'm like, oh, God, not this crap again! I'm going to sit here and read my serious book on politics and not pay any mind to the ridiculousness on the screen. Like I really care what's going on on Wisteria Lane with Susan, Mike, Carlos, Gabby, Bree and Lynette. Like I care whether Edie's new husband, Dave, manages to kill Mike for revenge for the accidental death of his family, or whether the revelation that Gabby's daughter was switched at birth will destroy Gabby. That is of absolutely no value to me, a serious intellectual person with much better things to do with his time than laugh as Susan takes a job as a naughty webcam cleaning lady. If I ask my wife questions about who the young man holding Lynnette hostage is or what happened to Orson, the guy who steals for revenge, it is simply to be a supportive husband who shows interest in his wife's interests. As for me personally, I'm not in the least bit concerned whether the pharmacist will poison Bree's husband, or whether Tom's past with Vanessa Williams' character Renee will destroy Tom's family. If you happen to catch me staring at the TV for long periods of time while my wife is watching this inanity, it isn't because I am at all interested in the success or failure of Tom's new pizza business or Carlos's affair with Gabby while Carlos is with Edie... it is merely me being a really, really, really supportive husband. In fact, I better go be supportive right now and see what's happening with Renee moving in across the street from Lynette--just so the wife has someone to talk to about it, of course. Geez, imagine, me actually caring about a stupid soap opera like Desperate Housewives. That's about as absurd as saying that Mike and Susan weren't meant to be together.